Tockholes Woods Ride (6.88 miles 11 km )

   Last Updated 10/07/2022
The ride starts from the Royal Arms / Visitor Centre car park. Post Code BB3 0PA. The front car park belongs to the Royal Arms, the rear car park is public. There is also parking on the main road. If the weather is good it can be busy. The ride is fairly easy with mainly good bridleways. Cross the road through the gate into the woods and follow the track to the left and down the hill. Turn right and follow the track round to Abbey Village. Cross the main road on to the bridleway, at the end turn onto the road which then turns left to the wood yard. Note: This track is now a restricted byway, but ride with caution during the week. Follow this down to the main road, cross and turn right, this section of road has fast traffic, then left at the next side road. Follow the track back into the woods, turning left at the bridge, then right back up the hill to the car park. The ride is 7 mls, allow 2hrs to 2.5hrs depending on how busy it is.

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